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giovedì 3 novembre 2016

My Blogging Goals – Hustle Watches

Rolex Explorer II
I'm satisfied (for now) with the look and feel of the community, so now it's time to take relentless action. 2016 will be a year of growth!
From a recent podcast with Derek Sivers , “…and as for all the business advice out there, well, if information was the answer then we'd all be billionaires with perfect abs.”
This means it's time for me to stop consuming content. I need to create the best content I possibly can to attract a community. And I'm going to do that by hustling watches. What do I mean by that? See my goals below.

My 2016 Goals

This is the first time I've written and shared my goals. Long story short, I was making excuses which prevented me from executing.
  • Experiment with flipping watches and share my experiences.
  • Go to at least 1 meetup or conference and take pics of peoples watches (to share on WJ).
  • Reach 1,000 email subscribers (currently at 173).
  • Publish an interesting blog post every day. If Casey Neistat can upload a high quality video to YouTube every day, then I can blog every day. Also, I will reassess optimal posting frequency every 30 days (based on subscriber growth).
  • Make WJ profitable by selling a product or ad that I believe in.
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